REU Participants and Projects
Student & Institution | Mentor(s) | Project Title |
Crow-Willard, Emma Occidental College |
Chris Miller (CTIO) | The brightest cluster galaxy catalogue and density correlations analysis |
Lynch, Emily Dartmouth College |
Roberto de Propris (CTIO) & Michael West (ESO) |
Globular clusters in NGC3370 |
Mares, Peter Cornell University |
Roberto de Propris, Craig Harrison & Alistair Walker(CTIO) |
Characterizing the phase space of our galactic halo by using Blue Horizontal Branch stars as distance indicators |
Misra, Amit Case Western Reserve University |
Percy Gomez (Gemini) | Impact of Galaxy Cluster Mergers on Radio Galaxies |
Plunkett, Adele Middlebury College |
Simon Schuler (CTIO) | Iron abundances on open cluster dwarfs: Pleiades |
Schenker, Matt Dartmouth College |
Linda Schmidtobreick (ESO) & Stella Kafka (SSC) |
Search for SW Sextantis Cataclysmic Variables |
PIA Participants and Projects
Student & Institution | Mentor(s) | Project Title |
Campos Macarena Universidad de Concepcion |
Susan Ridgway (CTIO) | HST imaging observations of z~1 radio sources and their radio-optical alignments |
Regis Cartier Ugarte Universidad de Chile |
Malcolm Smith (CTIO) | Spectroscopy of red x-ray selected quazars |
Updated on May 15, 2022, 10:40 am