NOIRLab Publication Metrics


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Dennis Crabtree Metrics, "Observatory Publications, 2017-2021 - October 2023 Update"

Dr. Crabtree includes the SOAR, WIYN 3.5m, Mayall, Gemini, and Blanco telescopes in his analysis


NOIRLab Publications Tracking Criteria

Our Fiscal Year runs 10.01.YY through 9.30.YY (FY24=10.01.23 through 9.30.24). 


Publications Tracking Best Practices Publication

iPoster at AAS Meeting #243, January 2024, by Sharon Hunt for NOIRLab and other members of the Observatory Bibliographers Collaboration
"Assessing Your Observatory's Impact: Best Practices in Establishing and Maintaining Observatory Bibliographies"

arXiv publication


NOIRLab Publications Metrics Dynamic Dashboard



Created by Sharon Hunt (Librarian, RSS Library Services) and Bill McGinn (Project Management Office)

Reset dashboard by refreshing web page in your brower

The NOIRLab publications dashboard directly accesses the NOIRLab bibgroups and public libraries in ADS (Astrophysics Data System) via a Python API to compile publications metrics. Users can view total telescope data publications counts, counts by NOIRLab Program and Facility, and staff publication counts, arranged by month and year. By clicking on a telescope logo in the top bar of the dashboard, users can access the NOIRLab public library that lists papers using data from that telescope. 

Science Publications: The first screen of the dashboard contains a count of the refereed science papers that use NOIRLab data, data services, and/or data products. From left to right, the charts show publication counts that use data created by NOIRLab as a whole, by individual NOIRLab Programs, and by individual NOIRLab Facilities. Note that the total count of publications is not the same across the three chart types because many publications use data from multiple Programs and telescopes.

The top left chart displays the publication count by fiscal year, 2016-present. The bottom left chart displays the publication count by either the last 12 months or by calendar year based on viewer selection. The view can be selected in these charts by using the drill-up/drill-down arrows in the top right corner of each chart. The publication count in the left charts for NOIRLab as a whole will always be less than the total count in the middle charts for individual NOIRLab Programs because some papers will use data from multiple Programs. These papers will be counted once in the left chart and once in each relevant stacked bar section in the middle chart. The same concept applies respectively for the middle charts and the right charts.

Staff Publications: The second screen of the dashboard contains a summary of refereed and non-refereed publications by NOIRLab scientific and technical staff. The left chart displays the publication count by fiscal year. The right chart shows the count by either calendar year or the last 12 months based on viewer selection. The view can be selected in these charts by using the drill-up/drill-down arrows in the top right corner of the chart.

Using the Dynamic Dashboard: The dashboard was created in Google Looker Studio and is dynamic. This means the viewer can select Programs, telescopes, and time frames to create a dashboard view they desire. The viewer can reset the page to its default view by reloading the web page in their browser. They can also undo a single click by using the undo arrow that will appear in the top left corner of a chart that has been clicked. They can drill a chart up or down by clicking the arrows in the top right corner of an individual chart, if drill-up/drill-down is enabled for that chart. The viewer will not change the view of the dashboard for any other viewers by changing the view in their own browser. As some of the graphs and text are small, the viewer can enter full screen mode by clicking on the bottom right corner of the dashboard.

If desired, the viewer can also export the underlying data of a chart into a csv, Google Sheets, or Excel file by clicking the three stacked dots in the right corner of a chart and selecting the export option. It is also possible to download the whole dashboard as a .pdf by right clicking within the dashboard.


Last update 2.24 - S. Hunt

Updated on August 22, 2024, 1:10 pm