Handouts: Mutual stewards of science and the environment
Handouts: Kama'āina Observatory Experience
Handouts: Astronomy is vital for Hawai'i and the World
Handouts: Global Scientific discoveries led by MKO
Handouts: ASTRO2020 state of the Profession and Societal Impacts
Handouts: Path to Completion 2021
Handouts: NEID: An Extreme Precision Radial Velocity Spectrograph
Handouts: FireWorks Galaxy" NGC 6946
Handouts: Adaptive Optics Schematic
Handouts: Gemini North Star Trails
Handouts: Gemini South - All Systems Go
Handouts: Core of the Trifid
Handouts: HCG 87
Handouts: Exploring the Universe from Both Hemispheres
Handouts: Gemini North by Moonlight
Handouts: Gemini North, Mauna Kea
Handouts: Gemini North Observations Begin
Handouts: Gemini South, Cerro Pachón
Handouts: Observation Begins * handout080
Handouts: Lights On