ann22013 — Anuncio
Chilean Teachers Participate in NOIRLab’s Training Program for Astronomy
19 Abril 2022: The Solar System, the Moon and its features, the stars, the constellations, the properties of light, and the preservation of dark skies will be some of the topics featured in the Scholar Astronomy Program, part of NOIRLab's Star Educators program. The program will engage more than 80 teachers from Vicuña, Paihuano, Montepatria, and La Serena in Chile, on topics related to basic astronomy and the science of NOIRLab facilities to complement and reinforce subjects included in the Chilean science curriculum. The program is a joint endeavor of NSF NOIRLab and AURA in Chile. In a series of virtual sessions that began on 7 April 2022 and comprises 23 hours of training over 7 months, teachers will obtain first-hand information about basic astronomy, as well as the main features of astronomical observatories in the Region of Coquimbo, and general concepts about NOIRLab’s astronomical technologies. Educators will also have the opportunity to …